Members of the clergy hold positions of respect as moral and spiritual leaders in their communities. It is a sickening betrayal when people in positions of authority and trust sexually violate children and then try to cover it up.
No religious community is immune to the problem of sexual abuse. Many victims of abuse have remained silent out of fear of retribution or social disgrace. But you don’t have to remain silent anymore. You have a right to pursue justice and monetary compensation.
The White Law PLLC West Bloomfield Township clergy sex abuse lawyers have helped countless survivors. We stand beside sex abuse survivors and take the legal action needed to obtain justice and closure. We may be able to help you in your fight so you can take back your dignity.
What is Clergy Sex Abuse?
Any unwelcome sexual activity in which the victim is repeatedly violated by clergy or a trusted leader is considered sexual abuse. Sexual assault is the term used for a single unwanted sexual act. It is considered child sexual abuse when an adult engages in any sort of sexual interaction with a minor.
Sexual misconduct by those in positions of authority is an abuse of power. Because pastoral ministry entails establishing relationships, fostering one’s spiritual life, and exercising authority, there is a risk of misconduct inherent in the very nature of the clergyman’s work.
Regardless of whether there was actual or implied consent, sexual misconduct occurs whenever a church leader acts in a sexually explicit manner with a member or a young person. It is a complete violation of their fiduciary duty. They can and should be held accountable.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Can I File a Civil Claim for Sexual Abuse by a Clergy Member?
Depending on the details of your case, you may be able to sue for sexual abuse you experienced as a child. The West Bloomfield township church sex abuse lawyers with our firm offer free, private case analyses to assist survivors in weighing their legal alternatives.
Anyone who has endured sexual abuse or assault has our support, including:
- Adult victims of clergy sexual assault as children
- Adults who have experienced violence or abuse
- Children who have experienced abuse
- Parents of victims of child sex assault
A survivor’s path to recovery and the monetary compensation they need is possible with the right legal action. Our firm is not intimidated by powerful organizations. We can stand up and make your voice heard.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
What Churches Have Been Involved in Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuits?
In recent years, numerous religious clergy members have been charged with sexually abusing youngsters. Examples of some of the churches involved in clergy child sex abuse lawsuits include:
- The Church of Scientology
- Jehovah’s Witness
- Reformed Jewish / Yeshiva
- The Southern Baptist Convention
- Lutheran Church
- Episcopal Church
- Anglican Church
- Catholic Church, Catholic Diocese
- Mormonism or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Like therapists, church officials are bound by the professional code of ethics upheld by their denomination or congregation, which forbids any sexual interaction with those they are entrusted with caring for.
Parishioners anticipate a level of trust and security with a clergy member because they open up a vulnerable part of their lives.
Those who perform these abhorrent acts are still accountable to the law, regardless of how influential you may think the church may be. They can be stopped, and a clergy sex abuse lawyer in West Bloomfield Township, MI, can assist you.
When is it Too Late to File a Lawsuit Against a Priest or Church for Clergy Sex Abuse?
Although it wasn’t always the case, you could still be able to file a claim even if the abuse happened years ago. Legislation in Michigan addresses allegations of clergy sexual abuse. MCL 600.5851b defines a special deadline for filing criminal charges for child sexual abuse.
The plaintiff may bring a lawsuit for childhood clergy sex abuse at any point before turning 28. Otherwise, people have three years to file a claim from the time they become aware of the abuse or connect an injury to unlawful sexual behavior.
It is important to note that even if you have passed your 28th birthday, White Law PLLC may still be able to help. The laws are fluid and complex, so it’s best to discuss your matter with a clergy sex abuse attorney in West Bloomfield Township, MI, to learn about your options.
Why Should I Consider Hiring a Clergy Sex Abuse Attorney?
A skilled attorney is essential in situations of clergy sexual abuse because of their familiarity with the laws and the sensitive nature of the claim. Having an advocate can provide courage and hope to survivors. It’s reassuring to know that steps are being taken to combat such heinous crimes.
If you choose to pursue your case in court, a lawyer can prepare your claim and present a strong legal argument. We are also familiar with the relevant local laws and may help you find any legal loopholes that can help secure your case.
In order to make educated decisions about what kind of justice they want to pursue, victims of priest sexual abuse should consult with an attorney in West Bloomfield with experience in such matters.
If a Priest or Other Church Employee Abused You, You May Have Legal Options
You are not alone if you or someone you know in West Bloomfield Township has experienced sexual abuse at the hands of a clergy member or other official of the Church. White Law PLLC has supported numerous victims of sexual assault by members of the clergy.
White Law PLLC has been advocating for and assisting Michigan’s child sex abuse victims for more than 20 years. Our team is a group of legal professionals who are astute, tough, and unrelenting in their pursuit of justice. We are committed to safeguarding our clients and getting the justice they deserve.
You can count on us to assist you in fighting for the justice you deserve and the compensation you need to move on. Contact us for a confidential, free consultation to learn about your legal options.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.