Roman Catholic clergy have been the target of allegations of sexual abuse by victims from all over the world in recent decades. Sobering accounts of childhood abuse have been shared by many.
There has been a movement in response to the flood of allegations to bring both individual clergy and the church leadership and structures that supported them accountable. Survivors of clergy sex abuse have filed civil lawsuits to demand compensation and other forms of relief.
White Law PLLC represents victims of clergy sexual abuse with all the skill, dedication, and compassion we possess. We are proud to represent those who show incredible fortitude in coming forward to share their stories and demand accountability, you do not have to do it alone. We can help.
Compassionate Legal Representation for Victims of Clergy Sex Abuse in Walker, MI
It is a crime when a church fails to conduct a thorough investigation into allegations of sexual assault, fails to report sexual abuse, or intentionally covers up such abuse. Survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Michigan need to know that they have legal options and protections.
We have helped countless survivors find their voices and fight for justice and compensation in high-profile situations. You have the right to pursue legal action, and we can hold these wealthy religious institutions accountable for their wrongful acts. A clergy sex abuse lawyer in Walker, MI, can help you begin.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Can a Clergy Person be Jailed for Sexual Abuse?
This might be the case in some circumstances. However, victims of clergy sexual abuse have two legal options: criminal and civil proceedings. The defendant faces different repercussions in a criminal case than in civil litigation.
Here is the difference:
Civil Claim
You, the plaintiff, can seek financial compensation for your harm and losses through a civil lawsuit. If the defendant is found to be at fault in a civil case, you are entitled to get compensation from the defendant.
A finding and a sum are agreed upon by the jury. The award serves to repair any damage brought on by the mistreatment. A clergy sex abuse attorney in Walker, MI, can help you with a civil lawsuit.
Criminal Case
The prosecutor files formal charges against the offender in a criminal case. The defendant faces possible probation or imprisonment if found guilty in a criminal case. Only if the court directs the defendant to pay damages to the plaintiff will the victim really receive any money.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
The Profound Impact of Clergy Sexual Abuse
People who are abused sexually, either as children or later as teens or adults, face many challenges that require considerable effort to overcome. Some of the lasting effects of clergy sex abuse include:
Problems in Relationships
Victims may have trouble trusting others and maintaining relationships because of the burden of survivor’s guilt. To help survivors of sexual abuse work through their suffering and regain control of their life, it is crucial that they get support and understanding during the recovery process.
Physical Injuries
It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual abuse to incur physical injuries as a direct result of the abuse, in addition to the psychological damage they have suffered.
This can worsen existing feelings of anxiety and powerlessness because the physical reminders might persist for a significant amount of time after the traumatic event has passed.
Emotional Trauma and Psychological Damage
Victims of abuse may suffer from a variety of emotional problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, clinical depression, and thoughts of suicide. You have the right to claim damages as compensation for the mental anguish you have had to go through.
Though money can’t heal all wounds, a clergy abuse attorney in Walker can help you fight for monetary compensation to help you make a fresh start.
Financial Damage
Abuse of a sexual nature can cause victims to suffer not just emotionally and physically but also financially as a result of the costs of any necessary medical care or counseling that was a direct result of sexual assault by clergy.
In addition to the obvious monetary costs, victims of trauma may find themselves unable to return to work or do routine tasks that were once easy.
Clergy Sexual Abuse Happens in Many Places
People look up to religious leaders because they set a high spiritual and ethical standards for those who follow them. When priests or members of the church sexually abuse children and then use their power and faith to hide it, it is a terrible betrayal to the victim and their faith.
The fear of their abusers or those who condoned the abuse has caused many victims to remain silent. Nevertheless, the tide is turning, and courageous survivors are taking steps to make these predators answer for their wrongdoing.
Allegations of sexual assault have been made against a number of clergy members and leaders of well-known groups, such as:
- The Southern Baptist Convention
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Mormons
- The Roman Catholic Church
- The Lutheran Church
- The Church of Scientology
Several other sects have also been named and have come under fire for clergy sex abuse against children and subsequent coverups. These institutions can and should be exposed with help from a Walker, MI, church sex abuse attorney.
Contact a Clergy Sex Abuse Law Firm in Walker to Learn More About Your Options
Though the statute of limitations for clergy sex abuse states that you have until the age of 28 or 3 years from the date of the discovery of injuries related to your abuse to file a claim, we may still be able to help.
To learn more about your legal options and how we can help you, do not hesitate to reach out to the personal injury attorneys of White Law PLLC. Our lead counsel served as the clergy sex abuse attorney in the headline-making case against the Boy Scouts of America and the Mormon Church.
We are sensitive to the plight of abuse survivors, and we would be proud to help you continue your healing journey. For a confidential, no-cost case evaluation, please contact us today.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.