Victims of sexual abuse at the hands of a church leader often keep quiet about their ordeal out of shame, even if they have no control over the situation. By speaking up, you can begin healing.
Your courage to come out and reveal the abuses by members of the clergy can allow you to go on in your life and potentially prevent other children from the trauma you endured. A clergy sex abuse lawyer in Troy can help you begin to seek justice and financial compensation.
It’s not your fault that this happened to you, but you can take action. White Law PLLC has experience helping survivors of clergy sex abuse. We’ve stood up to powerful organizations and helped others like you to recover compensation, rebuild their lives, and reclaim their dignity.
How Much Time Do Survivors Have to Bring a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against the Clergy in Michigan?
Although it wasn’t always the case, you might still be able to file a claim even if the abuse happened years ago. Due to unique regulations governing clergy sex abuse in Michigan, many victims of abuse as children can now file for financial compensation as adults.
In Michigan, a plaintiff has three years from the date of the injury to file a claim for damages. Nonetheless, recent law in Michigan has addressed clergy sexual assault allegations, which is encouraging. In Michigan, Compiled Law 600.5851b defines a special deadline for bringing criminal charges for child sexual assault
A lawsuit for abuse that took place when the plaintiff was a minor may now be brought at any time before the plaintiff turns 28. If not, people have three years from the time they become aware of the abuse or can link an injury to criminal sexual behavior to file a claim.
Please note that many states are starting to change legislation to expand the statute of limitations currently in place. We are hopeful that this will hold true for the state of Michigan. If you are a victim of clergy abuse and three years have passed since the abuse occurred or you are older than 28, we may still be able to help you with your claim. Contact our firm for a free consultation.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Can I Legally Sue a Church for Sexual Abuse by a Member of the Clergy
Fear of legal repercussions from a claim against a religious institution or an individual clergy member is a common concern. Many mistakenly believe the First Amendment, which shields churches from government intervention, protects the Church. When it comes to allegations of sexual abuse, this just isn’t the case.
Victims of sexual assault have the right to pursue a lawsuit against a church in court, and they can do so using a variety of arguments that fall under the umbrella of negligence. Victims of clergy sexual abuse suffer severe psychological and emotional wounds.
Whether this happened to you or your child, you do not have to face it alone. The Troy clergy sex abuse attorneys of our firm are here to help you get through this difficult time and heal from your injuries.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Clergy Sexual Abuse Occurs In Many Organizations
The clergy is respected for their role as moral and spiritual leaders in their communities. Members of the clergy or priesthood commit the ultimate betrayal when they assault minors sexually while using their positions of power and religion to conceal the abuse.
Many have long suffered in silence because they were unwilling to confront their abusers or those who supported the abuse for a number of reasons. But things are changing, and now those courageous survivors have options to hold church institutions to account for their actions.
Several members of the clergy and leaders from trusted national organizations have been accused of sexually abusing minors in recent years.
- The Catholic Church
- Evangelical Christians
- Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Orthodox Judaism / Yeshivas
- The Church of Latter-Day Saints / Mormons
- The Church of Scientology
- Boy Scouts of America
Church officials and leaders of religious organizations have been called out for failing to appropriately investigate allegations of sexual abuse, report abuse, or ensure the safety of their most vulnerable members, especially minors.
White Law PLLC has successfully represented hundreds of victims in high-profile sexual abuse cases, such as those involving the Boy Scouts of America and the clergy. We have helped the survivors to stand up and hold powerful religious entities financially and legally accountable.
What if I’m Not Yet Ready to Take Legal Action?
For those who have experienced sexual assault, deciding whether to file a lawsuit against sexual predators and the organizations that supported them is extremely personal. Your questions can be addressed by a lawyer who focuses on cases of priest sexual abuse, allowing you to make an informed decision.
Making a claim for sexual abuse can be advantageous for some. A few benefits of filing a lawsuit include:
- Ensuring that abusive church leaders and clergy are held accountable for the abuse and any possible cover-up
- Obtaining damages from the abuser for the harm they caused
- Expressing your truth and feeling empowered
- Actively attempting to stop the abuser from injuring anyone else
A church sex abuse attorney in Troy can help you to seek justice and financial compensation for the trauma you have endured. Taking action can empower you to move forward and reclaim your life.
We Care About You and Your Legal Rights
It is within your legal rights to attempt to settle a dispute with a religious leader and their legal representatives outside of court. In cases of clergy sexual abuse, however, such talks could force you to face the person responsible for your physical and emotional pain.
You are within your rights to refuse a religious leader’s offer of mediation and proceed straight to court with your case. You may still have to see the offending clergyperson in court, but we can help minimize your exposure to them.
If you want to avoid contact with the defense both during and after your case, your clergy sexual abuse attorney in Troy, MI, can also assist you in seeking a protective order.
Contact a Clergy Sex Abuse Law Firm in Troy, MI, to Learn About Your Rights
Your religious institution does not matter. Upholding your right to seek justice for clergy sexual abuse is our primary concern. A Troy attorney can aid survivors of clergy sexual abuse in holding religious authorities of all faiths and denominations accountable.
Survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests or other members of the clergy are encouraged to contact White Law PLLC. Our firm has helped hundreds of people to obtain justice in sexual abuse claims. We’ve gotten significant results in headline-making cases.
We want to support you in your quest for healing by providing you with the compassionate legal representation you need. Our firm is willing to fight for your rights so that you can start healing from this ordeal.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.