If you are a victim of abuse, you deserve the support of a trusted, experienced advocate readily willing and able to fight for you.
At White Law, PLLC, you will find a Midland clergy sexual abuse lawyer readily available to listen to you, offer you guidance, and support you through your recovery from a legal perspective. Our team has recovered more than $1.4 billion on behalf of survivors. Seek out legal guidance from our Midland sexual abuse lawyer now to learn what we can do for you.
Contact Our Midland Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney Now
Sexual assault is a serious offense that can cause mental and physical trauma for many years. When sexual abuse occurs in the church, victims are often left feeling guilty, ashamed, and angry that this happened to them — and rightfully so. If you have found this page after enduring sexual abuse or assault from a church member, we are sorry you are going through this challenging time.
Without consent, no one has the right to touch you. If a priest, minister, rabbi, pastor, or another clergy member has taken advantage of you physically, clergy sexual abuse lawyers in Midland from White Law PLLC will help you get the justice you deserve. Seek out legal guidance now if you have been hurt.
Getting help may seem overwhelming or impossible after sexual abuse. Our clergy sexual abuse lawyers are here to fight on your behalf so you no longer have to. Learn how we can help you move forward with your life after a sexual assault in the church, and contact us 24/7 — day or night, so be sure to review our prior case results.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Understanding What Constitutes Sexual Abuse or Assault in Michigan
According to the American Psychological Association, sexual abuse is defined as unwanted sexual behavior or activity without consent from victims. The state of Michigan defines sexual assault as “Criminal Sexual Conduct.” Criminal sexual conduct can occur when victims are sleeping, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or when sexual activity happens by force.
The State of Michigan defines sexual assault, or criminal sexual conduct, in numerous ways. Sexual assault may occur in many ways at the hands of friends, family members, boyfriends or girlfriends, or spouses. It may include:
- Rape
- Child sexual abuse or molestation
- Incest
- Other forms of sexual abuse
What You Should Know About Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse or assault can happen in more than one way. While rape, incest, and child molestation are more commonly discussed, sexual abuse can also include parents having sex in front of children, adults making sexual comments to children, or making another person watch or engage in pornography without their consent. Perpetrators or pedophiles can be held accountable for wrongful and illegal actions with the help of a Midland personal injury lawyer.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Parties Who Can Be Affected by Clergy Sexual Abuse
Sexual assault from a clergy member can happen to anyone. However, sexual predators are more likely to prey on children because they are more vulnerable and susceptible to bribes. As reflected through the National Center for Victims of Crime overview of Child Sexual Abuse Statistics, 9.2% of victimized children were also sexually assaulted in 2010.
Christianity Today goes further to say that approximately 1 in 10 young protestants have left the church because of sexual abuse from a clergy member. Churchgoers between 18 and 34 are more likely to report unwanted sexual behavior, whereas older generations are more likely to remain silent due to fear of speaking out. These actions are wrong, and with them impacting your quality of life and future, you deserve an attorney ready to fight for you.
You do not have to stay silent if you have been affected by sexual abuse from a clergy member. Help is available for you. Midland clergy sexual abuse attorneys can help collect evidence proving how you have been harmed to achieve the fair compensation you deserve.
The Types of Compensation You Could Recover After Sexual Abuse or Assault From a Member of the Clergy in Michigan
Wrongful parties should be held responsible for their actions when the rules are broken. One way clergy members can pay for their hurtful words and actions is through the reimbursement of economic and non-economic damages. After a successful clergy sexual abuse claim, victims could be entitled to fair compensation for out-of-pocket expenses and other damaging factors, including the following:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Lower quality of life
- Depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Mental anguish
- Mental health therapy treatments
Midland clergy sexual abuse lawyers understand a large portion of your healing process is seeing your perpetrator held accountable for what they have done. We aim to help make that a reality for you after enduring sexual abuse in the church.
Michigan Laws & Clergy Sexual Abuse
According to Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 750.520b, sexual abuse is considered sexual conduct in the first degree. Punishment for sexual abuse in Michigan is imprisonment for life or an extended number of years, based on findings and rulings of a jury. Adults over 17 who sexually abuse children will receive no less than 25 years in prison for their crimes.
In addition to a lengthy prison sentence, perpetrators of sexual abuse will also undergo lifetime electronic monitoring to watch their whereabouts. Lawyers of clergy sexual abuse in Midland, Michigan, can explain more about the type of prison sentencing the defendant may receive after a successful sexual abuse lawsuit. You may be unsure what your rights are, but our legal team can help you navigate your options.
Take the time now to reach out to our attorneys if you believe you have a case or are unsure. We can offer a free consultation as a way to discuss your rights and offer insight into your legal options. There is no risk to speaking to our Midland clergy sexual abuse lawyers, as we do not charge you anything for our attorney services if you do not win your case.
Statute of Limitations for Sexual Abuse in Michigan
The statute of limitations in Michigan for child sexual abuse or assault by a clergy member is by the age of 28 (read more: Michigan Expands Public Access to Child Abuse Registry). However, this new law was only passed in 2018 and only includes sexual assaults that have happened since. This also includes a 3-year discovery rule from the day the sexual abuse occurs or is indicated through inappropriate touching or behavior.
To learn more, talk to a sexual abuse attorney. We can help you determine if you are eligible for compensation. Do not wait any longer to get the answers you need.
Expect our attorneys to ask you questions, offer guidance, and provide you with exceptional legal support. We treat our clients with respect and can help you to pursue legal action if there are grounds to do so. Even if you are unsure if your case can move forward, it is worth reaching out for a free consultation.
You Could Recover Significant Damages
Sexual abuse happens when someone touches you inappropriately without your consent. Sexual abuse from a clergy member can make you feel unwanted, guilty, or ashamed — but this is not your fault. Our team can help you file a lawsuit against clergy members in Michigan.
If you are struggling with grief and shame after sexual abuse, it is time to hold responsible parties accountable for their wrongful actions. Attorneys for sexual abuse in Michigan can help you. Reach out to our trusted, experienced, and compassionate attorneys for damages you may be owed, including for losses such as:
- Pain and suffering: You may be eligible for compensation for any pain and suffering you have struggled with since your incident.
- Medical expenses: Any medical expenses you have due to the abuse you suffered could be recovered if you win your case.
- Emotional trauma: Such instances are certainly emotionally taxing, often leading to the onset of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, requiring mental health support.
- Quality of life loss: If your abuse led to damage to your quality of life, fight for recovery of those damages with the help of our legal team.
- Lost time at work: If you suffered the inability to work due to your injuries and losses, you may be owed compensation in those areas as well.
Hire a Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney in Michigan
Get started as soon as possible, and contact our Midland clergy sexual abuse lawyer at White Law PLLC. You can reach out to our sexual abuse attorneys anytime, 24/7. We are here for you today.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.