Clergy sexual abuse is a traumatic experience that can have lasting effects long after the perpetrator has gone. Fortunately, victims of such abuse do not have to suffer in silence. Those who have been abused can pursue financial compensation for civil litigation.
At White Law PLLC we understand how difficult the process of filing a claim against your abuser and their religious institution can be. That’s why our team of Haslett clergy sex abuse lawyers are here to help you every step of the way.
Our compassionate legal professionals make sure claims are handled with extreme sensitivity and give victims the guidance they need throughout proceedings. Our firm has represented hundreds of clergy sex abuse survivors, and we fight tirelessly for your rights both in and out of court.
Catholic Church Clergy Sex Abuse Claims
Over the years, countless individual survivors of sexual abuse have come forward to report their horrific childhood experiences at the hands of priests and clergy. As more cases begin to come to light, our laws regarding the sexual abuse of minors by clergy are evolving.
These cases are now being argued at state and federal levels following a civil investigation into the church by Attorney General Karl Racine. This critical development gave more victims the confidence to demand justice for the horrific suffering they endured at the hands of those in charge of their safety.
These survivors have suffered in silence for far too long, and we work to ensure that no one else ever again has to endure such suffering. If you are ready to take the next steps toward healing, you can seek justice and compensation with help from a Haslett clergy sex abuse attorney.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Clergy Sexual Abuse Happens at Many Religious Institutions
Religious institutions are powerful and respected entities that have the potential to wield great influence over their members. Unfortunately, this also means that they can be vulnerable to abuse.
In some cases, religious leaders take advantage of their positions of authority to commit heinous acts such as sexual misconduct or exploitation. This can leave victims feeling powerless and ashamed.
Sexual abuse of children does not only affect institutions like the Roman Catholic Church. Some religious organizations have been accused of harboring sexual predators among their ranks:
Southern Baptist Convention
The Protestant Church receives an average of 260 claims of sexual assault against its clergy and other employees, according to research published by the Insurance Journal.
Orthodox Judaism
On past occasions, religious members of an Ultra-orthodox community of Haredi Jews have come under fire for failing to report instances of abuse among its members.
In one case, nine victims of sexual abuse by Lutheran church clergy were awarded $69 million after allegations of rape and sex abuse
Anglican Church
Lawsuits have been filed accusing the Anglican Church of North America of negligence that resulted in child sex abuse. Accusations of long-term coverups of abuse that made the victims’ suffering even worse have surfaced
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
LDS churches faced charges of sexual abuse of minors and a coverup of the abuses in the Boy Scouts. A $1 billion settlement to be paid by the Mormon Church was struck with sexual assault victims in one case.
The Boy Scouts of America
In March 2023, a judge upheld the Boy Scouts of America’s record settlement of 2.46 billion settlement claim to compensate decades of child sex abuse victims

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Speaking Out Can Help End Church Sex Abuse Coverups
We understand how devastating the consequences of priest and clergy abuse can be for survivors. By taking legal action against organizations that enable such behavior, survivors can seek justice and potentially bring an end to systemic abuse within these institutions.
An experienced clergy sex abuse lawyer in Haslett can help victims build their cases and pursue financial compensation for damages suffered due to abuse at the hands of religious officials or institutions.
The principal attorney of White Law PLLC has proudly defended victims in cases of sexual assault that have received national attention, including hundreds of sex abuse survivors in cases against the Boy Scouts of America and the Mormon church.
Statute of Limitations in Michigan for Sexual Abuse By Clergy
Currently, Michigan law gives victims of clergy sexual assault three years from the date of discovery of injuries from their abuse or until they reach 28 to initiate a lawsuit for damages.
The Michigan Compiled Laws section 600.5851b specifies the statute of limitations for allegations of sexual misconduct against clergy. Due to the complexity of these laws, we suggest speaking with one of our clergy sexual abuse lawyers in Haslett.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that even if the abuse occurred more than three years ago or if you are older than 28, we might still be able to assist you.
Contact a Law Firm to Discuss Options for Filing a Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuit
We understand that coming forward is a difficult decision and remain committed to easing your journey through the process. Our team is well-versed in representing church sex abuse survivors, making sure that those responsible are held accountable for systemic wrongdoings or negligence.
We’ll treat your case with the sensitivity and discretion it deserves because we know that every circumstance is unique. We urge anyone who is ready to talk about their experience as a victim of sexual abuse to contact us for a free and private consultation.
Our legal team at White Law PLLC will investigate the situation and take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that justice is done. Let our knowledge and experience work for you as you pursue justice against your abuser.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.