The betrayal, abuse of power, and perversion that characterizes clergy sexual abuse crimes make these crimes among the most horrifying. Most often, it is children who suffer at the hands of the clergy. These children trusted their priests–including Father Vincent DeLorenzo–only to have that trust used as a weapon turned against them and used to inflict damage to both body and soul.
White Law PLLC grieves for and with Father DeLorenzo’s victims–but we are also here to help them fight. A Michigan clergy sexual abuse lawyer will lead the charge for acknowledgment and justice, demanding Father DeLorenzo and other abusers stand accountable for their destructive, despicable behavior.
If you are a survivor of DeLorenzo or another member of the clergy, a Michigan clergy sex abuse lawyer from our team is here for you.
There Is Hope for Sexual Abuse Survivors
Survivors of sexual abuse have experienced the worst of humanity. Predators like Father Vincent DeLorenzo not only commit an atrocity in carrying out the abuse but in destroying their victims’ sense of trust in others and hope for the future. When a person who claims to be a “shepherd” is actually a wolf, that destruction is almost impossible to avoid.
There is hope for abuse survivors. Survivors of Father DeLorenzo and others like him are speaking out and demanding accountability from their abusers. White Law PLLC supports those victims and is ready to help others get their day in court.
While our team is pleased to see DeLorenzo punished by the criminal court and paying his debt to society, victims also deserve justice for how DeLorenzo hurt them personally. A Michigan sexual abuse lawyer from our team will fight to secure that justice. As a victim, you should not have to bear the additional financial burdens the abuse cost you, and you deserve acknowledgment for the pain and suffering you have sustained.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
The Justice You Deserve
The effects of sexual abuse do not stop when the abuse ends. Some victims may find ways to “move on” outwardly but still carry heavy loads of trauma affecting their relationships and emotional and psychological health. Others might look for solutions through drugs or alcohol, spiraling further into their pain.
A Michigan personal injury lawyer from White Law PLLC cannot remove your trauma, but we want to help you through it and get justice for it. Your pain and suffering matters. We can direct you to sexual abuse survivors’ resources and fight for damages and accountability paid by your abusers.
Our team will handle your case with care, listening to your story with compassion and respect. We will explore all potential sources of evidence to build a solid case for you. Every abuse case has its own unique circumstances, and we will acknowledge yours, but most situations warrant compensation for:
- Counseling expenses
- Medical care for injuries sustained or conditions caused by the abuse
- Wages lost during recovery
- Psychological and emotional distress
- Reduced enjoyment of life

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Father Vincent DeLorenzo–Accused and Convicted
A 2023 press release from the Michigan Department of Attorney General announced the conviction of Father Vincent DeLorenzo on first-degree criminal sexual assault. The crime was against a five-year-old boy and occurred in 1987 after DeLorenzo had officiated a service for a deceased member of the boy’s family. Though convicted for this crime, DeLorenzo has multiple victims of other crimes, and five survivors gave impact statements at his trial.
In their testimonies, survivors described how the abuse affected them into their adult lives and established a pattern of abuse throughout DeLorenzo’s almost four decades as a priest. As punishment, DeLorenzo received a one-year jail sentence, a five-year probation sentence, entry on the sex offender registry, and mandatory sex offender counseling. He cannot have contact with his survivors or any minor, and his status as a sex offender will stand for the rest of his life.
Though the statute of limitations for DeLorenzo’s crime had passed, Michigan’s legal deadline tolls–pauses–when a defendant leaves the state within that statute of limitations and resumes upon their return. DeLorenzo had been a priest at Holy Redeemer Church in Burton, resigning after a complaint against him in 2002, and was arrested in Florida.
Additional Charges
Father DeLorenzo’s plea deal resulted in the dismissal of other charges against him–two additional first-degree and three second-degree sexual conduct offenses. Initially, he faced even more charges, but evidence meeting standards for prosecution was not available. According to the Attorney General, survivors were involved in the plea-deal decision-making process.
The standards for conviction in criminal court are more difficult to meet than those for liability in civil court. In civil cases, you must prove, through a preponderance of evidence, that the at-fault party is liable. White Law PLLC is well-equipped to find and present that evidence as we work to get the justice you deserve.
An Honorable Fight
By holding Father DeLorenzo and other abusers publicly and civilly accountable for their actions, you engage in an honorable fight that has the potential to heal and protect. In exposing your abuser, you turn the tables and take the power seat–you take control of your story. You also potentially protect subsequent victims through your alert or remind other victims that they are not alone.
The increased volume of victims’ voices has effected legal changes in recent years. Michigan has increased investigation efforts into Catholic Church clergy abuse, and the Church has had to admit at least some of its egregious failures. White Law PLLC is here to help you add your powerful voice to this fight–it is needed.
Sadly, reports of clergy sexual abuse persist, and we must continue adding names to our Michigan List of Priests Accused of Sexual Assault. Father DeLorenzo is one of many shameful offenders. Whether you see your abuser’s name on our list or if you are ready to expose your unnamed abuser now, reach out to a clergy sex abuse lawyer in Michigan right away.
Fighting for Victims, Holding Abusers Accountable
Your abuser does not deserve the last word. While the criminal justice system has spoken to the crimes of Father DeLorenzo and other clergy predators, we believe survivors have the right to demand personal financial justice for their many losses. Partner with White Law PLLC. Together, we make a powerful team.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.