Father Timothy Crowley is one of a growing number of priests accused and convicted of sexual abuse. His heinous crimes ultimately led to his conviction and punishment under the criminal justice system. While Father Crowley may pay his “debt to society” through his punishment, his–and other priest’s survivors– deserve their day in civil court and the chance to hold Crowley and others who failed them accountable for their actions or failures.
White Law PLLC stands with Father Timothy Crowley’s victims and all abuse survivors. If a priest or other member of the clergy abused you or someone you love, reach out to a Michigan clergy sexual abuse lawyer from our firm for compassionate but aggressive and effective representation. It is time for Father Crowley and others like him to answer to their survivor, and a Michigan sex abuse lawyer from our team will fight to make that happen.
Father Timothy Crowley’s Crimes
Crowley’s charges included multiple counts of first-degree and second-degree criminal sexual assault, crimes which included performing penetrating acts and oral sex on the victim. The first-degree counts were dismissed as part of Crowley’s plea deal. Our experienced Michigan sexual abuse lawyer, nationally recognized attorneys are here to fight for justice.
In August 2023, the Michigan Department of Lawyer General released a statement informing the public that former priest Father Timothy Crowley “pled guilty to two counts of Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.” As per his sentencing agreement, Crowley must serve five years probation, spending the first year in jail. He must also receive treatment and register as a sex offender.
Charges were prompted by abuse incidents that occurred from 1982 to 1990 during Crowley’s appointments at St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Jackson, St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Hillsdale, and St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor.
The victim asserts Crowley began abusing him when he (the victim) was an altar boy, aged 10, at St. Mary’s Church. The victim describes Crowley as molesting him and encouraging him to sleep in the same bed, claiming such behaviors were normal. According to the victim, Crowley swore him to secrecy, threatening him with death if he revealed the abuse to anyone.
The Catholic Church’s Failure
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) and other sources reveal the Diocese of Lansing settled with the victim’s family in 1993. Despite knowledge of the abuse and despite warnings from the Diocese of Lansing, Crowley was appointed to the Archdiocese of Anchorage in Alaska. Crowley was removed from ministry in 2002 after the U.S. Dioceses adopted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and was defrocked in 2003.
The Struggle for Criminal Justice
Crowley was living in Tempe, Arizona, when finally arrested in 2019. The court initially dismissed charges against him as they came long after Michigan’s then six-year statute of limitations had passed. The Michigan Attorney General’s office took the fight to the Court of Appeals and won, and Crowley’s charges were reinstated.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Your Battle Is Our Battle
Only recently has the criminal justice system made necessary systemic changes to bring sexual abusers to justice. White Law PLLC applauds those changes but recognizes much more needs to be done. We also recognize that as a victim, your fight is not just for criminal justice but for personal justice.
Trust a Michigan clergy sex abuse lawyer from our team to help you through your fight. While we stand up for survivors, we also sit down with you. We listen to you, believe you, and support you as you demand acknowledgment and accountability from your abuser.
Sexual abuse takes many forms, and some survivors think their experiences “don’t count.” Sexual abuse can include a person exposing their genitals to you, assault, unwanted touching, or being forced to view sexually explicit photos or videos or watch others engage in sexual asks, among other behaviors. Do not dismiss your experience–connect with a Michigan clergy sex abuse attorney from White Law PLLC to discuss your situation.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
The Prevalence of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Unfortunately, Father Timothy Crowley is not the only priest accused of sexual assault. Our Michigan List of Priests Accused of Sexual Assault exposes many other abusers. Sexual abuse at the hands of trusted priests is tragically prevalent and must be stopped.
One way to stop future abuse is by exposing the abusers. When you tell your story and identify a predator, you protect future victims from becoming prey. The abuser can no longer maintain power through secrecy.
Fear of exposure may also deter other abusers from carrying out their crimes. And by speaking up, you also keep the Catholic Church-at-large on notice, reminding them of their responsibility to get dangerous priests out of churches or pay more consequences. If you recognize your abuser’s name on our list, or even if you do not, reach out to a clergy sex abuse lawyer in Michigan for help.
Your Suffering Matters
Sexual abuse does not define you, but the pain Father Crowley and other abusers inflict matters. You deserve to name your abuser publically and receive financial acknowledgment for your suffering. White Law PLLC will fight to get you substantial compensation.
Each case is different. We will value your losses with care, factoring in every unique aspect of your situation. That said, compensation for sexual abuse cases often covers:
- Medical costs for physical injuries or conditions caused by the abuse
- Counseling costs
- Income lost as you work to recover from your trauma
- Emotional and psychological pain
- Loss to your quality of life
Your abuser is no longer in control. You own your story, and we will help you tell it. Our goal is to help you bring your story of abuse to a just end.
Fighting for Victims of Father Crowley and All Sexual Abusers
We cannot tell you exactly how long it will take to potentially settle a clergy abuse case. But we can promise to stand with you every step of the way, keeping you informed and updated at every turn and moving your case along as efficiently as possible.
White Law PLLC fights hard and does not give up. We value your trust, empathize with your pain, and will demand justice on your behalf.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.