Allegations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church have been present in the media at alarming rates since the late 2010s. White Law PLLC has built a reputation in the community for standing up for those who clergy members have victimized. Our clergy sex abuse lawyer is committed to providing support and recourse to help survivors of clergy abuse reclaim their narrative and future.
Sexual abuse in a community institution like a church has a devastating impact on families and the community as a whole. A large number of the clergy abuse coming to light now was perpetrated dating back to the 1950s. However, Father Robert J. DeLand was accused of sexual abuse as recently as 2017.
Lasting Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse takes a toll on most facets of someone’s life. When the abuser is a trusted member of the community, the same mistrust and uncertainty an individual may experience is spread among other members of that community. This can have devastating effects at the community and family organizational level, in addition to the pain and suffering the survivor experiences.
Our Michigan sexual abuse lawyers are here to help.
A family who stands by the survivor may face backlash from their church community. This backlash can leave the family isolated and lacking support, which is crucial to recovering from the trauma of the abuse. The impact on the survivor is of primary concern, but we would be remiss to forget the impact this has on the family as well.
Talk to a Michigan criminal defense lawyer today.
When we consider the way sexual abuse allegations and the abuse itself affect relationships, the individual/family dynamic looks very similar to the family/community dynamic.
When an individual breaks the silence and confronts the stigma of abuse, it forces people to consider who they will believe. In the case of a priest, it can create a kind of emotional dissonance that can cause conflict.
An individual who experiences sexual trauma is likely to experience some degree of lingering effects. Some symptoms may resolve soon after the assaults, but in the case of ongoing abuse or child sexual abuse (CSA), these can cause wide-reaching symptoms. Some of the more commonly seen lasting effects include:
- Anxiety
- Change in sleeping and eating habits
- General dysregulation
- Mood swings
- Anxiety and depression
- Self-harm
- Eating disorders
- Pelvic floor dysfunction
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Higher risk of developing personality disorders (CSA)
- Higher risk of developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Diocese of Saginaw Investigation
The Diocese of Saginaw was included in the investigation launched by the Michigan Attorney General in 2018. However, Father Robert DeLand was arrested twice prior to the execution of search warrants on the seven Dioceses in Michigan. These warrants allowed officials to recover any digital or physical documents relating to staff records or concerns that may have been reported to church leadership.
Law enforcement will review these documents in search of concerns of the clergy and staff or evidence that the survivors shared concerns or allegations that were ignored by the diocese leadership.
This is alleged to have occurred with Father Robert DeLand when the father of one of DeLand’s survivors reported sharing allegations with the leadership to no avail. This is reported to be one of DeLand’s most recent perpetrations, which occurred in 2017.
The attorney general’s office is still reviewing the documents and completing reports on the findings. The most recent report was completed and published in early 2024 with four more expected in coming months. Before the release of the report, DeLand is one of 16 men on the list of credibly accused through the bishop accountability database.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Understanding What Clergy Sexual Abuse Looks Like
The subtlety of sexual abusers is terrifying. We often think it would be obvious if someone were hurting our child, but predators spend a significant amount of time grooming their targets. They work to gain the trust of the child, and their family and clergy members often have an easier time with this due to the implicit trust the community places in them.
Before engaging in any overtly abuse behavior, predators will often make efforts to show special attention to the child. They may give them gifts and money or take them to special outings or trips to normalize alone time.
During this time, they may also attempt to drive a wedge between the child and a trusted adult to minimize the chances of the child reporting abuse.
Sexually Abusive Behaviors
The actual acts that constitute sexual abuse are broad. They may include forceful assault, but they can also be behaviors that seem grayer. Regardless of how it is done, the sexual exploitation and abuse of children is always damaging whether it is any of the below forms:
- Penetrating sexual assault
- Manual stimulation of genitals
- Fondling or groping private areas for sexual gratification
- Exposure to pornography
- Taking sexually explicit photographs or video
Allegations Against Robert J DeLand
Robert DeLand was arrested for sexual abuse for the first time in February of 2018. This was based on allegations regarding the assault of a 17-year-old and a 21-year-old. The charges in the initial arrest included criminal sexual misconduct in the second degree and gross indecency.
Following release pending trial for the first arrest, DeLand was arrested a second time regarding the sexual assault of an 18-year-old. The boy’s father had reported concerns about the incident the previous year, but the diocese did not address them.
The most recent charges consisted of controlled substance distribution, criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, criminal sexual conduct with second-degree personal injury, and furnishing alcohol to a minor.
A conviction of all charges would have made DeLand eligible for 22 years in prison. However, he was found not guilty of two charges and pleaded no contest on three. This led to a jail sentence, probation, and registration on the sex offender registry after his release in 2021.
Contact a Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
The effects of sexual abuse extend beyond injuries sustained in the initial assault. White Law PLLC is committed to the well-being of our clients. We have a track record of successful case results when defending the rights of survivors of sexual abuse.
If Robert DeLand or any clergy member has sexually abused you or someone you love, you can call us to schedule a free case consultation and discuss your legal options.
Shame dies when you experience compassion and understanding, allowing you to take control of your life and move forward. We know that you are not responsible for the actions of your abuser.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.