Clergy sexual abuse has held an unfortunate presence in our society in the last decade as we realize the prevalence of it in our society going back for several decades. There have been countless survivors of this abuse kept quiet by intimidation or shame instilled in them by their perpetrators and upheld by society.
Our Michigan clergy sexual abuse lawyer at White Law PLLC is passionate about seeking justice for those willing to speak up about what they endured.
Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
A Michigan sexual abuse lawyer can help you with your case. The Catholic church has a devastatingly long history of perpetrating sexual abuse. Unfortunately, there is an equally long history of religious institutions covering up cases of sex abuse.
This behavior has been a pattern long since established, going back to 1629. This pattern has continued into the present day, which we can see in this Michigan list of priests accused of sexual abuse.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Father Joseph Baker
Father Joseph Baker was ordained in 1993. He served multiple churches in Michigan before being banned from any public ministry in 2019. This ban was put in place pending a conical investigation and his trial, which was held in October of 2022.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Allegations of Sexual Abuse
In 2019, Father Joseph Baker faced allegations of sexual assault on a 7-year-old boy in 2004. The allegations were that he assaulted the child in the sacristy and told him that the sin was his to bear, ensuring his silence for nearly two decades. These allegations resulted in Father Baker’s arrest for criminal sexual conduct in the first degree in 2019 and conviction in 2022.
Community Implications of Clergy Sexual Abuse
In cases of child sexual abuse, particularly cases like this where children do not speak up for years or decades, we must consider how we can work as a society to support survivors. Shame is an excellent tool used by predators and abusers to ensure those who survive them remain quiet. By removing the stigma of sexual assault, we can create a safe environment to encourage them to speak out, allowing them to get justice and prevent future harm at the hands of predators.
Legal Consequences of Michigan Clergy Sexual Abuse
Father Joseph Baker or other perpetrators may see legal consequences for this behavior in multiple ways. Father Baker was convicted of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, and according to MCL 750.520b, this is a felony charge. Father Baker will be facing a felony conviction and may be vulnerable to a lawsuit for damages in civil court as well.
Criminal Consequences
MCL 750.520b, cited above, indicates that the minimum sentence for this charge should be 25 years of incarceration and may go up to life in prison. This sentence may include electronic monitoring, registration on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry, and completing other requirements as the judge deems appropriate.
Civil Consequences of Clergy Sexual Abuse Perpetration
In many cases, a perpetrator can also be held liable in civil court. This is separate from the criminal case, but a conviction may support your personal injury case. Some of the damages you may seek compensation for would be:
- Pain and suffering
- Medical costs associated with the assault
- Costs of mental health care associated with the assault
Impact of Clergy Sexual Abuse on Survivors
Sexual violence is one of the most heinous kinds of violence, and it leaves a lasting impact on those who encounter it and those who live in the community in which it is allowed or hidden.
Sexual abuse by people who should be trusted leaders of a community instills distrust and further isolates vulnerable individuals from the support necessary to recover. Some of the effects that individuals who experience clergy sexual assault are:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep disturbance
- Mood swings
- Eating disorders
- Disruption of hygiene practices
- Urinary and pelvic floor difficulties
Interpersonal Complications of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Surviving sexual abuse, particularly by a trusted adult in your life, can make future relationships and interactions incredibly difficult. It can make trusting others difficult, preventing you from forming healthy relationships. More than that, it can instill a sense of doubt in the survivor’s instincts and ability to assess the safety of a situation.
Spiritual Consequences of Clergy Sexual Abuse
In cases like that of Father Baker, the uncertainty and anxiety instilled in the individuals they choose to assault can be tumultuous. Members of the clergy are supposed to be examples of God’s grace and love. It can be challenging to reconcile what you are taught about spiritual leadership with the experience you had.
Long-Term Consequences for Father Baker
Father Baker was sentenced to an incarceration time less than the legal recommendations based on multiple factors, some of which are his lack of other reported instances, letters of support from other clergy members, and his lack of previous criminal record.
His incarceration may be less than expected, but even once he is released from prison, he will be a registered sex offender and a felon. These factors will follow him for much of the rest of his life and may also impact the following:
- Where he is allowed to obtain housing
- If he can pass a background check to lease
- Job opportunities
- Field of work
- Voting
- Firearm ownership
Call us Today to Seek Justice for Clergy Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse can ruin lives, and for many, they are never able to seek justice. If you have been sexually abused by Father Joseph Baker or any other member of the clergy, you deserve to have your story heard. At White Law PLLC, we know that what happened is not your fault, and we will fight diligently to get justice for you and bring accountability to the person truly responsible.
Do not hesitate to contact our clergy sexual abuse lawyers for a free consultation. We can discuss the details of your case and help you understand the legal options available to you.
We can only find justice when people are bold enough to take a stand, so please reach out as soon as you are ready to let your story be known and help us seek the justice you deserve.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.