Truck drivers work in a dangerous field. The risks that come with driving an 18-wheeler on the road, however, demand thorough training, not excuses obscuring driver negligence. If a truck driver causes an accident on the road, said driver or affiliated liable party should be held responsible for their oversights.
As a truck accident victim, you may have the right to bring your concerns forward in civil court. You can collaborate with a truck wreck lawyer in Canton to discuss the nature of your accident and your right to compensation. The White Law PLLC team can help you file a claim and present your case for financial support to a civil judge.
What to Do Immediately Following a Truck Accident
In the days and weeks immediately following your truck accident, you should focus on your recovery. If you require medical attention, work with the professionals in your area to pursue treatment for the injuries you sustained. At the same time, you can begin gathering what evidence you need to uphold your right to compensation with insurance providers.
That evidence can even pull double duty. When you move to file an insurance claim with your or a liable party’s provider, you can bring your estimate of your losses forward to a personal injury lawyer. Our team can then prepare to file a claim against your liable party should your insurance company not provide you with enough support.
The sooner you have Canton truck accident lawyers working on your accident case, the better. Our team can prevent law enforcement from misconstruing your circumstances and insurance providers from undermining your losses. When the time comes, we can push your case forward to a county clerk and help you fight for the truck accident settlement you deserve.
Working Within Michigan’s Statute of Limitations
There’s another benefit to moving quickly after a truck accident. In Michigan, you have a limited amount of time to act before the state bars you from requesting civil compensation for your losses. The state specifically directs truck accident survivors to Michigan Compiled Laws §600.5805.
This personal injury statute of limitations makes it all but impossible for you to pursue a truck accident claim more than three years after the day of your accident. You need to file a claim within this three-year period if you want to take action against an offending party.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
You May Receive a Truck Accident Settlement Offer
If you get into an accident with a truck driver and there’s ample evidence of fault ruling in your favor, you may receive a settlement offer. This offer may come either from the individual truck driver or the truck driver’s parent company. While the initial offer may seem generous, know that you’re not obligated to accept it without considering your other options.
Specifically, you can meet with truck accident attorneys in Canton, MI, to discuss the value of your case. If it seems like the initial settlement offer you received undervalues your case, our team can negotiate for a more comprehensive settlement.
We contest settlement offers made by liable parties as well as your insurance provider. No matter what, you can count on our team to help you fight for the maximum compensation possible in your case.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
How to Draft a Truck Accident Civil Claim
When it comes time for you to build a truck accident claim, you need to include a few pieces of essential information. Claims establishing liability and your losses, partnered with evidence to support both assertions, can help a county clerk understand why you want to take legal action against an offending party.
Truck Accident Liability
When assigning liability for your truck accident, look at the evidence on the scene. What do video footage, bystander testimony, and black box data reveal about your accident? Our team can assess the data therein and determine how negligence contributed to your losses and how to represent those losses in civil court.
You need to investigate more than the scene of your accident to assign liability for truck accident losses, though. You should also have a conversation with the truck driver involved in your accident to determine the nature of their employment. For example, if a truck driver works as an independent contractor, they’re responsible for their own legal fees and representation.
However, if the truck driver in question works as an employee with a company, that company may get involved in your case. You can discuss how to approach a corporate legal team when consulting with a Canton truck accident lawyer.
How to Establish Truck Accident Damages
Recovering from a truck accident is not cheap. The sheer size of an 18-wheeler can leave you with extensive property damage – and subsequently, substantial bills. You may also have to contend with serious and/or life-threatening injuries in the wake of your accident. Fortunately, you can request damages equal to or exceeding the value of your bills.
When calculating the value of your truck accident case, be sure to include your:
- Medical expenses
- Property repair/replacement bills
- At-home care services needed to restore your previous quality of life
- Lost wages
- Lost opportunities to find alternative employment
You can also request that our team calculate the value of your non-economic truck accident damages. These damages include your emotional distress as well as your pain and suffering. Michigan has approved multipliers to stand in for the economic value of these losses, making it easier for you to include them in your initial civil complaint.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
Let White Law, PLLC, Lawyers Protect Your Right to Financial Support
Assigning fault after a truck accident can prove difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. You can work with a truck accident lawyer in Canton, MI, to assess the evidence and assign liability for your losses to a particular party. Our attorneys can then help you hold a liable party accountable for their negligence in civil court.
You deserve compensation for your recent truck accident. If you are ready to learn more about how you can pursue that compensation, contact White Law, PLLC, today. You can get in touch with our Representatives by calling our office or reaching out through our online contact form.
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