Teen drivers are at high risk for accidents because of their inexperience behind the wheel and tendency to engage in unsafe driving behaviors. They make up a small percentage of total drivers but are typically involved in a number of crashes on Michigan roads every year. If your teen ends up causing an accident, it is important to work with a Detroit car accident lawyer to get the best outcome possible.
Common Causes of Teen Driver Accidents in Michigan
Automobile crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2020, teen drivers ages 15-20 accounted for 6.7 percent of all licensed drivers in Michigan, totaling 473,443 young motorists statewide. There are several factors that contribute to the high rate of accidents among teen drivers, such as the following:
Distracted Driving
The use of cell phones and other mobile devices while driving is a major issue affecting all drivers. Teens tend to be more susceptible to distractions than experienced drivers. Texting, talking on the phone, using social media, and other distractions take a teen’s eyes and focus off the road.
Cell phone use while driving slows reaction times and impacts attention. Teens are more likely to engage with their phones, taking their hands off the wheel and eyes off the road. This distracted driving puts teen drivers at higher risk for accidents.
National surveys show over 30% of teens admit to texting while driving. More education is needed to stop this dangerous habit that continues to be a problem. A teen driver accident attorney in Detroit can help your family.
Excessive speed is a major contributing factor in fatal crashes involving teens. Teens underestimate the severe dangers and consequences of speeding. They also tend to overestimate their driving abilities and vehicle control.
Higher speeds give drivers less time to react and stop. For teens with slower hazard detection and reflexes, speed exacerbates safety risks. Teens may feel peer pressure to speed, not fully understanding the devastating potential impacts.
Michigan’s Graduated Driver Licensing system is set in place to restrict late-night driving and passenger limitations. These provisions reduce impulse behaviors like speeding in beginner teen drivers. More parental monitoring of teen driving habits can reinforce the dangers of excessive speed.
Impaired Driving
Unfortunately, some teens make the reckless choice to get behind the wheel after drinking, despite not meeting the legal drinking age of 21. This dangerous behavior stems from peer pressure, a lack of maturity, and a lack of awareness of the potentially devastating consequences. Driving impaired can destroy lives in an instant, and teens often feel invincible to the risks.
Teen brains are still developing impulse control and decision-making abilities. Impaired judgment under the influence leads to increased risk-taking behaviors behind the wheel. Despite legal deterrents, teens may underestimate their level of impairment and overestimate their ability to drive safely.
Parents play a vital role in communicating no tolerance for any substance use and driving. Ongoing education on the extended impact of a DUI charge or the devastation of taking someone’s life while impaired is vital. Safe ride services and peer accountability can also help deter teen-impaired driving.
Simply due to their young age, teens have less experience behind the wheel than other drivers. Lack of experience impacts their hazard detection skills and ability to respond appropriately to dangerous situations. Teen drivers need more supervised practice to become competent, independent drivers.
With inexperience comes underdeveloped hazard recognition abilities. Teen drivers often fail to identify dangers or react appropriately to protect all parties, lacking defensive driving capabilities. Their limited skills and delayed responses make crash avoidance extremely difficult for adolescent motorists.
Michigan’s graduated licensing phases and required hours aim to build skills over time. Parents should provide at least 50 hours of supervised driving to complement formal training. This on-road practice time is critical for developing safe teen driving habits.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
When a Teen Driver Causes an Accident
If a teen driver causes an accident in Michigan, they are required by law to stop immediately and notify the police. Leaving the scene of an accident is against the law and can result in fines, license suspension, and criminal charges. The teen must provide their name, address, and vehicle registration, and show their driver’s license to all involved parties.
Following an accident, teens should fully cooperate with authorities, even if they believe they are not at fault. Police must be alerted immediately if any injuries occur in the collision per state statutes. The young driver is obligated to provide reasonable aid to anyone hurt, which may require calling emergency services.
After the accident, penalties against the teen depend on factors like license phase, fault, injuries/damages, and any violations. Sanctions can include fines, community service, defensive driving courses, license suspension, and for serious cases, jail time. Legal representation is important to protect the teen’s rights.

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Consequences of an Accident Caused by a Teen Driver
If a teen is deemed at fault in an accident, they face serious legal and financial consequences and will need a Detroit teen driver accident attorney to help. At a minimum, the teen driver will likely have their license suspended, particularly if they were in the first 6 months of licensing per Michigan’s graduated system. Length of suspension depends on factors like injuries, property damage, and any violations.
Beyond license sanctions, a teen at fault for an accident may have to pay fines, serve probation or community service, or in severe cases face jail time. Auto insurance rates will also likely increase significantly even if no one is injured. The teen may lose insurance coverage altogether if damages exceed policy limits.
For accidents involving injuries or death, the emotional trauma on the teen can be devastating. They may face anger and blame from victims and families, as well as guilt and grief of their own. counseling would be advised to process causing harm to others. The teen will carry this responsibility into adulthood.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
Let a Detroit Teen Driver Accident Lawyer Help Your Teen Driver
If your teen caused an accident or received a traffic citation, it is important to start a case with a teen driver accident lawyer in Detroit as soon as you can. Our team will work tirelessly to protect your teen’s rights and minimize long-term impacts. Contact us for a free consultation to see what the best next step is for you.
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