If you have been in a car accident caused by another driver, you may expect that driver’s insurance to cover your losses. That is usually the case as long as the driver stops and provides their personal information, but this does not always happen, which is why you should talk to a Detroit car accident lawyer. Working with a Detroit hit-and-run accident lawyer is critical if this does not happen and you are now unsure how you will get your medical bills paid or your vehicle fixed.
What Happens in a Hit-and-Run Accident?
If a person does not stop when an accident occurs, regardless of who they believe is at fault, they may face criminal charges. However, from the perspective of obtaining financial compensation for your losses as the victim in the case, it is essential to know what happens in a hit-and-run accident. Typically, several steps will occur, including the police working to try to track down the person responsible.
The first step is that your insurance company should cover the losses you have if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, a type of policy that covers you if a responsible driver does not. If you have this coverage, though, do not assume your insurance will be willing to work quickly for you, nor that they will offer fair compensation for your losses. As a personal injury lawyer in Detroit, MI, we have seen insurance companies limit their payouts even in devastating situations like this.
Though the insurance company should pay for your losses, they may work to reduce what they pay out, and that could be limiting to you. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses from anyone who could be held accountable for those losses. Expect outstanding support and guidance from us as you navigate this case.
What Happens if the Other Driver Is Found?
Your insurance company should cover the losses you have, and if the other driver is found and held responsible, your insurance company will likely go after that party to recoup their losses. At the same time, you may be able to pursue additional compensation from that responsible party, especially if your insurance coverage is limited. Let our hit-and-run accident attorney in Detroit, MI, work to meet your needs on a continuous basis.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
What Should You Do After a Hit and Run Accident in Detroit?
If you have been hit by any other vehicle, your first goal is to call the police to document what occurred, stay at the scene of the incident, and get medical care. Then, continue to get the medical care you need, including follow-up appointments and additional treatments you may need. At the same time, work with the police to document all of the evidence in your case, ensuring that the police have every ability to locate the responsible party.
Though you may be tempted to call your insurance company to file a claim for your losses at this point, we encourage you to reach out to our Detroit hit-and-run accident lawyer instead as a first step. Allow our team to work to determine who was at fault as well as how much compensation you are owed in this matter. Every case is very different, but our experienced attorneys will work closely with you to navigate the process.
Ultimately, our Detroit hit-and-run accident attorney will file a claim with your insurance company that outlines all of the losses you have had as a result of the incident. Our team will then work closely with you to ensure you get the financial support owed to you, and that often means negotiating your claim up to the value of your policy. If the other party is found, we will pursue legal action against them as well, ensuring you do not suffer continued financial loss from the incident.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
Why Should You Avoid Filing a Claim for Coverage Right Now?
It may seem like the easiest solution in a hit-and-run case is to file a claim with your insurance company, and in a simple access that could be beneficial to you. In other cases, it could mean you are at risk for leaving money on the table, which ultimately means you suffer for longer due to the mistakes of another person. When you work with our attorney in a hit-and-run case, you can ensure your rights are protected throughout the case.
We do the hard work of trying to track down who is responsible as well, working alongside the police whenever possible to ensure our clients’ needs are met. This is important because it allows us to ensure that the responsible party is found and held liable for all of the losses, especially since many uninsured motorist policies have limitations. Our goal is always to maximize the compensation owed to you in a case like this, and we do so with diligence.
When you put off filing a claim immediately, you also get a clearer picture of what your losses really are, as that is often far more than just your medical bills and car repairs but could also include long-term pain and suffering, inability to work, and costs related to rehabilitation. Our goal is to make sure you know what is owed to you and then to put in place strategies to obtain those funds. We are here to help you.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
Set Up a Consultation with Our Detroit Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer Now
Working with our hit-and-run accident attorney in Detroit, MI, is one of the best decisions you can make to protect your financial future. When you reach out to White Law PLLC, we will investigate your case, offer a comprehensive review, develop a legal strategy for you, and then work with you to seek out compensation for your losses.
Call our Detroit hit-and-run accident lawyer now to set up a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case with a team that cares about your best outcome in such a devastating incident.
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We Exceed Client Expectations.