Discovering your child has been sexually abused by a teacher is a devastating moment that can leave you reeling, confused, and emotional. Protecting your child in this moment and giving them a safe space to heal from the trauma they experienced is crucial.
Hiring a seasoned Michigan sexual abuse lawyer can help you and your family navigate the legal process to get justice for your child.
A personal injury lawyer will work tirelessly for you to receive restitution for what your child has experienced. While we can not undo the sexual abuse your child suffered, our clients are our highest priority and we fight to offset your losses by getting you the compensation you need during this difficult time. Our experienced team has a proven track record of getting compensation and closure for survivors of sexual abuse.
Signs Your Child Was Sexually Abused by a Teacher
Child sexual abuse by a teacher is a horrific violation that preys on the natural trust a child has with their teacher. Knowing the signs of sexual abuse by a teacher is vital to catching the abuse early, removing them from the situation, and getting them the help and resources they need to heal. According to the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN), common signs of child sexual abuse include:
- Withdrawal
- Compliance
- Avoidance of particular people
- Talk of sexual topics or behaviors beyond the child’s age
- Genital trauma
- Regressive behavior
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Changes in mood, appetite, sleep, or behavior
- Loss of interest in things the child enjoys
- Self-harm
- PTSD behaviors
Children who have been sexually abused experience profound impacts on their lives for a long time to come. RAINN reveals that a report of child sexual abuse is made every nine minutes. If you suspect your child or a student is being abused by a teacher, report the abuse, remove the child from the situation immediately, and contact a school sexual abuse lawyer.
Grooming by a Teacher
Grooming is one of the most powerful tools in an abuser’s arsenal. A teacher may use grooming, a common indicator of child sexual abuse, to take advantage of a child’s trust, innocence, or vulnerabilities, and build a relationship with them. Showing extra attention, gift-giving, and spending time outside the classroom are some common ways an abuser may initiate a relationship.
In time, grooming can escalate to include sexual requests, actions, and controlling behaviors. Children have often become desensitized to what is happening and may feel like the situation is normal because of the mixture of positive attention they have received. They may also feel fear, shame, or guilt and not know how to remove themselves from the situation.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
What to Do if a Teacher Sexually Abused Your Child
If your child has been sexually abused by their teacher, you may feel a whole host of emotions. However, providing your child with a safe place is essential. According to Stop It Now!, it is important to respond to children who report sexual abuse in the following ways:
- Keep emotions steady in front of the child; express them to other people as appropriate
- Believe and support the child
- Prioritize their safety and help them to feel safe again
- Reassure them that what they experienced is not their fault
- Seek experienced professional help to aid in the child’s healing and recovery
Additionally, schools are required by Michigan law MCL §722.623 to report any suspicion or knowledge of child sexual abuse. As a mandatory reporter, a report of the alleged sexual abuse should be made both orally and in writing to law enforcement, as well as the person in charge of the school. The teacher who abused the child should then be removed from their position and exposure to the child, and be subject to an investigation.
Speaking Up About Abuse
Speaking up about sexual abuse by a teacher can be a powerful way to get closure for your child, and prevent other children from being abused. We understand your child may want to stay silent out of fear, but breaking the silence about their attacker can help ensure the teacher is held accountable for their actions. Any cases of abuse should be reported.
In some instances, sexual abuse by a teacher goes unnoticed and uninvestigated unless a child, parent, or school staff member speaks up. One such example is an ex-Grand Traverse Academy teacher accused of sex crimes against a student at another school. He was caught after the victim reported the behavior to law enforcement.
How a Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Michigan Can Get Justice for Your Child
Working with a Lansing school sexual abuse lawyer can give you the peace of mind that your child will get restitution for what they have suffered. We understand that it can be difficult for the child to talk about what they experienced, but a skilled lawyer can empathetically guide you through the legal process. A lawyer advocates for you and your child while also protecting your rights.
When you hire a sexual abuse lawyer, they will thoroughly review and investigate your claim. They will gather evidence, such as photos, videos, and medical examinations, and uncover the extent of the abuse. They will also handle all paperwork and negotiating on your behalf.
A personal injury lawyer will work to establish the teacher’s negligence to prevent harm to the child and show that the child’s condition is the direct result of their inappropriate actions. A lawyer can also seek damages for your child’s injuries, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. This compensation is designed to help your child on their healing journey.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
Hire a Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
At White Law PLLC, we understand the traumatic and complex situation you, your child, and your family are facing. Our team of compassionate lawyers works diligently to get your child the resources they need to recover and heal. Contact us for a free consultation today and learn more about your options and what we can do for you.
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