Holding an abuser accountable for the damage they have caused you is an emotionally demanding process. Revisiting the worst trauma of your life is beyond difficult, but the process is a worthwhile effort as you take back control of your narrative, demand your story be heard, and expose abusers for who they really are.
To protect your emotional well-being and achieve the best case outcome possible, it is important to know what to consider when choosing a Lansing clergy sex abuse lawyer. Look for experience, compassion, and confidence.
The team at White Law PLLC is dedicated to fighting for justice for victims of all forms of clergy abuse. We have experience, exceptional legal skills, genuine compassion for victims, and the courage to stand up to any abuser. No matter how powerful abusers think they are, the truth is more powerful, and we will fight with you to bring that truth to light.
The Trauma of Clergy Abuse
Clergy abuse is a betrayal of trust. These abusers hold a position of power and abuse to fulfill their own corrupt needs. Abuse can take a variety of forms, and understanding clergy abuse is the first step in recognizing and exposing it.
Priests or other church leaders can be physical abusers–slapping, hitting, or otherwise inflicting violence and injury on victims. Clergy can also perpetuate financial abuse, exploiting the trust of parishioners and pressuring them to give money out of a religious obligation, to receive a blessing, or to grow spiritually. Victims can also experience emotional, psychological, or spiritual abuse when leaders use their power and supposed spiritual wisdom to control parishioners.
Sexual abuse by clergy is the form that has dominated headlines in recent years, and the exposure has prompted some much-needed reckonings. The effects of clergy abuse, as described by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), can be life-changing and demand justice. A clergy abuse lawyer from White Law, PLLC, will fight fiercely to get that justice.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
What to Look for in a Clergy Abuse Lawyer
Choosing the right clergy abuse lawyer is critical to the success of your case. These cases can be tough on victims and challenging to prove.
While you need an attorney with experience and exceptional legal skills, you also need a legal partner who can support you and help you feel safe as your case progresses.
A favorable case resolution requires strong evidence. White Law PLLC knows where to find evidence in clergy abuse lawsuits, how to meet Michigan’s guidelines for evidence, and how to present that evidence. We leave no sources of information untapped.
When you choose a clergy abuse lawyer who has extensive experience handling these types of cases and navigating Michigan’s laws, you have a better chance of seeing success.
Our team also knows what to expect in clergy abuse cases and will be ready to handle any challenges or roadblocks put in our path. We will use that experience to help prepare you for possible eventualities so you are not taken off guard or made to feel vulnerable.
Courage and Confidence
The institutions and systems, including clergy, are fertile ground for abuse. Within these systems are an unbalanced power dynamic and an emphasis on shame, and these elements help explain why clergy abuse is so prevalent. Clergy present themselves, or are understood to be, divine authorities by their victims, sometimes telling victims they must submit to abuse out of obedience.
Clergy abusers may scare victims into silence, telling them they will be subject to divine punishment if they expose the abuse or that no one will believe them. They may also convince victims that they (the victims) are to blame for the abuse–shaming them into believing they seduced the abuser.
Count on a bold clergy abuse lawyer from White Law PLLC to stand up to your abuser with confidence and courage–we will not be intimidated and will not back down from exposing the truth.
Compassion and Empathy
When choosing a clergy abuse lawyer, be sure your attorney treats you with compassion and empathy. You will have to recount serious trauma. You need a legal partner who will support you through that.
White Law PLLC is a full-service law firm. We fight for your legal rights and also care about your overall well-being. Your clergy abuse lawyer will direct you to resources for survivors of clergy sex abuse and work to move you toward healing.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
What to Expect from a Clergy Abuse Lawsuit
Once we take your case, we will immediately begin an exhaustive search for evidence. Evidence may come from witnesses, medical records, communication from your abuser or others in the religious institution, other victims, or a variety of additional sources. We will also put a dollar value on the damages you have sustained, which may include:
- Costs of related medical expenses and counseling
- Wages lost as you recovered from abuse
- Loss of opportunity if abuse prevented you from supporting yourself and reaching your potential
- Your pain and emotional suffering
- Any other abuse-related cost or loss
Sometimes, cases are resolved through negotiations. The abuser’s representatives ultimately make a fair settlement offer to compensate you for your losses and provide justice, and you accept it. Other times, cases must be fought in court, and if this happens in your case, know that we will protect you and support you in all proceedings–you never fight alone.
We Fight and We Protect
If you are a victim of clergy abuse and want to hold your abuser accountable, White Law PLLC is ready to get to work. Your decision is a courageous one, and one that not only supports your healing and demands justice but one that will help other victims–or potential victims. By speaking out, you may inspire other victims to seek justice and find healing.
In exposing your abuser, you help stop them from hurting others and may send a message to put other abusers on notice–letting them know that victims are fighting back. As we fight with you, we will do our best to protect you from further trauma and support you as you reclaim your power and your voice.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.