Stories of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy and church employees throughout the nation and the world have been relentless in recent years. Victim after victim comes forward, bravely telling of their horrific experiences at the hands of people they trusted–of people supposedly in place to do “God’s work.” Residents of Grand Rapids have added their voices to this outpouring, revealing the tragic reality of sexual abuse occurring in the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
White Law PLLC stands with victims, and our team is here to listen to your story. A Grand Rapids clergy sex abuse lawyer from our firm will work tirelessly to hold your abuser accountable. We understand the trauma you have endured and will treat you with dignity, respect, and compassion while fighting aggressively to secure justice.
Priests and Employees Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Grand Rapids Diocese
A recent two-year probe into Michigan’s clergy abuse produced devastating findings. So far, Michigan authorities have “identified 454 accused priests and 811 victims.” Eleven clergymen are facing charges, but this number may increase as the investigation continues.
The official Clergy Abuse Investigation report, prepared by the Office of the Michigan Attorney General, shows the Diocese of Grand Rapids has the highest number of accused priests and victims, at 105 and 207, respectively. The Diocese of Lansing followed with 100 and 158. For comparison, the Diocese of Kalamazoo had the lowest numbers, 22 and 13.
White Law PLLC has been following the Attorney General’s investigation closely, creating a list of priests accused of sexual assault. If you are a victim and see your abuser’s name on our list, do not hesitate to reach out for help, and if you do not see your abuser’s name, do not give up hope for justice. Allegations against your abuser may not have been investigated yet, or their name may appear on a list of accused priests from other states.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
A History of Avoidance
For decades, possibly centuries, the Catholic Church has failed to protect the most vulnerable members of its community from predators within that community. The Michigan Legislature House Bill 5984 documents how clergy abuse was finally brought to light and the efforts Michigan lawmakers made in response to the exposure. Included in the Bill is a description of efforts taken by the church to cover up allegations of abuse and silence victims.
Though the history is of a Boston archdiocese, based on investigations carried out throughout the country, these suppressive strategies clearly apply to dioceses in other areas. The Bill reports
- The archdiocese “Continued to shuttle accused priests from parish to parish for decades.”
- The archdiocese settled “scores of lawsuits privately,” including confidentiality agreements to ensure allegations would not become public or known to law enforcement.
- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops acknowledged that “‘secrecy has created an atmosphere that has inhibited the healing process and…enabled sexually abusive behavior to be repeated.”
- The emergence of evidence against priests throughout Michigan and the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Response from The Grand Rapids Diocese
The Catholic Church at large has taken apparent measures to address abuse, such as mandating reports of abuse to the church–but not to law enforcement. To many victims, these efforts continue to support systems of secrecy and cover-up, and the global Ending Clergy Abuse movement continues its fight for the Catholic Church to issue a universal, zero-tolerance clergy abuse law. That this fight is “ongoing” continues to show the Church may not be as committed as it claims to be to ending abuse and giving victims justice.
The Diocese of Grand Rapids has also implemented strategies to prevent abuse, protect victims, and hold abusive clergy accountable. However, with such a lengthy, deplorable history of cover-ups, victim-silencing, and inadequate responses from the church, victims should be wary of trusting church reporting mechanisms. Instead, report the clergy sex abuse to the authorities and connect with a clergy sex abuse attorney in Grand Rapids who truly has your best interests at heart.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
Help Yourself and Protect Others
Coming forward with abuse allegations can be frightening–you may have been threatened into secrecy or have “buried” the experience and do not want to relive the abuse by exposing it. You can count on the team at White Law PLLC for full support. We will handle the legalities of your case and connect you with resources for survivors of sexual abuse to help you through the emotional trauma your abuse has inflicted.
By filing a civil claim against your abuser, you help yourself and protect others. Your Grand Rapids clergy sex abuse attorney will fight to secure you substantial financial compensation for what you have endured. But your case also sends a message that abuse can lead to serious financial penalties for those who commit such heinous acts and may help prevent further abuse or encourage other victims to pursue justice for themselves.
White Law PLLC knows what evidence is needed to prove fault in clergy abuse cases and will work diligently to build a convincing case and deliver the highest compensation possible. Damages may include:
- Abuse-related medical costs
- Therapy cost
- Wages lost during recovery
- Relocation expenses
- Acknowledgment of your pain and suffering

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
Standing with Grand Rapids Clergy Abuse Victims
For too long, clergy sex abusers did not have to answer for their crimes. They avoided criminal charges and avoided accountability to their victims. While those wrongs are being corrected, there is still a long way to go before abuse stops and all victims see justice. With help from a compassionate, dedicated clergy sex abuse attorney in Grand Rapids, you can help the effort to right these terrible wrongs and get the justice you deserve.
White Law PLLC is committed to standing with and fighting for Grand Rapids clergy abuse victims. Reach out today with a call or a message and we will schedule a time to meet for your free case consultation. Your story matters. Let us help you have your voice heard.
We’re Experienced. We Care.
We Exceed Client Expectations.