Sexual abuse in the Catholic church has become so prevalent in modern society that most people can tell you something about it. While this is a nationwide and organization-wide problem, it also affects us locally in Michigan dioceses. As reports of sexual abuse allegations at the Diocese of Saginaw surfaced, the Michigan attorney general initiated …
What Are Warning Signs of Educator Sexual Misconduct?
Families and communities entrust those most precious to them–their children–to their schools. Schools are responsible for educating kids and preparing them for productive futures in a safe environment. While the administration, faculty, and staff of many schools fulfill this responsibility, there are still too many incidents of failure, specifically through educator sexual misconduct. Sexual educator …
Can a School Be Held Responsible for a Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is an atrocious crime that can leave a survivor with long-lasting and devastating consequences. When sexual assault occurs on school grounds or involves employees of the school, whether coaches, teachers, or other personnel, the question of school liability arises. This complex issue can have far-reaching implications, beginning with the school’s duty of care. …
Are Strip Searches and Pat Downs Legal in Schools?
The rise in school violence and drug abuse has led to increased pressure on school administrators to ensure safe learning environments for students. To achieve this, schools often turn to student searches. However, schools must conduct these searches in accordance with students’ constitutional rights to the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees the right against unreasonable searches …
Settlement Amounts in Sexual Abuse Cases
Survivors of sexual assault and abuse go through some of the most horrific experiences that a human can suffer. When they are able to identify their attacker or abuser, then that person should be held to the fullest extent of the law. Even if a criminal case against the person who violated you is not …