Survivors of sexual abuse often face numerous hurdles when seeking justice, including dealing with the trauma of abuse, navigating the legal system, and going up against powerful institutions with deep pockets. One question survivors of sexual abuse within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) frequently ask is whether they can file …
Steps to Protect Privacy in a Sex Abuse Lawsuit
We understand the emotional toll that filing a sex abuse lawsuit can have on your life. Many people want to avoid having their experiences dragged into the public eye, experiencing valid concerns about their privacy and the long-term effects of a lawsuit on their lives. Fortunately, you can take steps to protect your privacy in …
Can a Priest Be Forced to Testify?
According to some religious doctrines, priests and parties who take confession are morally prohibited from sharing what they’ve been told with other parties, including law enforcement representatives. From a religious perspective, this privacy allows confessors to shed their shame without an audience. From a legal perspective, matters grow more complicated. In the face of rising …
Clergy-Penitent Privilege Definition & Exceptions
The clergy-penitent privilege is one of the oldest forms of privileged communication in U.S. law. Originally, it prevented clergy from breaking their religious rules about revealing what people confessed to them in confidence as part of the separation of church and state. The clergy-penitent privilege can unjustly shield abusers from having to face criminal liability …