The complexity of abuse makes it difficult for victims to come forward and demonstrate that something is not okay. If you are a family member with concerns or feel you could be the victim, understanding the most common signs of clergy abuse could be critical. At White Law PLLC, our Okemos clergy sex abuse lawyer is …
Sexual Abuse Allegations at the Diocese of Lansing
The Diocese of Lansing, like many other religious institutions, has faced allegations of sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy members against vulnerable individuals. These allegations have raised profound concerns within the community and underscore the importance of holding perpetrators and responsible institutions accountable for their actions. If you have suffered abuse at the hands of a …
Sexual Abuse Allegations at the Diocese of Grand Rapids
Stories of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy and church employees throughout the nation and the world have been relentless in recent years. Victim after victim comes forward, bravely telling of their horrific experiences at the hands of people they trusted–of people supposedly in place to do “God’s work.” Residents of Grand Rapids have …
Sexual Abuse Allegations at the Diocese of Kalamazoo
If you keep up with the news, you know a week does not go by without stories of sexual abuse allegations against clergy. Victims, silenced for decades, have in recent years come forward to expose their abusers and seek justice. Sadly, there are victims in all parts of the world–including the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan. …
Sexual Abuse in Baptist Churches
A church should provide a sanctuary for people to gather safely. The Baptist church is often seen as a pillar of communities, reaching out to individuals looking for guidance and direction in life. Churches frequently establish their place in a community as leaders who discern right from wrong. Baptist church clergy and leaders commit sexual …