If you find yourself abruptly contending with criminal accusations, you may not know how to address the charges brought against you. The consequences can be life-changing if you fail to address these charges. Specifically, unchallenged criminal charges can see you lose your job, spend time imprisoned, and be left with hefty fines.
Instead of pleading guilty or letting a state-assigned attorney take on your case, know that Waverly criminal defense attorneys can stand with you. White Law PLLC can connect you with an experienced team of criminal defense lawyers who can help you challenge the criminal accusations leveled against you.
Your Rights When Communicating With Law Enforcement
Police officers who arrest you on the road, behind the wheel, or in your home are required by law to read you your Miranda Rights. These rights establish your right to remain silent until in the presence of an attorney and your right to a state-assigned attorney should you not have a representative on call.
There is a chance that police officers may attempt to violate your Miranda Rights or otherwise inappropriately elaborate on them in an attempt to further convict you on criminal charges. To avoid this misconduct, it is in your best interest to invoke your right to stay silent as soon as possible. Make this invocation clear, then call an attorney ASAP.
If you notice a police officer attempting to manipulate you or otherwise trick you out of your rights, make a mental note, but don’t say anything. Cooperate with officers if they arrest you, as well. Our criminal defense attorneys in Waverly, MI, can bring this inappropriate behavior up in court and, in some cases, have your charges thrown out on the grounds of misconduct.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
When to Call a Criminal Defense Attorney
The sooner you’re able to get in touch with a criminal defense attorney, the better. Police officers should allow you to make phone calls after your arrest, ensuring that an attorney can reach you even as a local jail is still processing you.
That said, some investigators may alert you if they choose to take up a case against you. For example, if you’re accused of white-collar misconduct, you may be able to contact an attorney long before your case goes to court.
In general, however, the more time a criminal defense attorney has to work on your case, the better. Whether you know someone’s preparing to take criminal charges against you or are shocked at the scene, you need to get an attorney to intervene in your case as soon as you can.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
What to Expect From a Criminal Defense Attorney
Contacting a criminal defense attorney is not an admission of guilt. When you work with a criminal defense attorney, you have a better chance of protecting yourself from the wrongful assertions of a malicious or uninformed party. It’s our job to intercede in a criminal case on your behalf. Specifically, our services can include:
Researching and Challenging Claims Brought Against You
To arrest someone on criminal charges, law enforcement and/or related parties must uphold a burden of proof that is specific in its requirements. While police officers may be able to hold you on a less-than-comprehensive burden of proof, they may not be able to charge you in criminal court without seeing that burden through.
As your criminal defense team, it is our responsibility to challenge the evidence that the prosecution brings forward in your case. To do this, we can research the incident in question as well as the laws that allowed for your initial arrest. While comparing notes during discovery, we can further poke holes in the prosecution’s assumptions about your behavior.
So long as we can introduce reasonable doubt into your case, our team can significantly reduce or eliminate the charges brought against you. This way, your criminal record stays clean, and you can get back to your everyday life.
Communicating With the Prosecution
It’s not always easy to have conversations with the people or parties who bring criminal charges against you. The good news is that an attorney can intercede on your behalf. Instead of making you answer emails or even direct questions presented by the prosecution, our team can work out your answers ahead of time and keep the communication process more straightforward.
The only time our attorneys can’t speak for you is when your case goes to trial. We are only allowed to step in during examination if we think the prosecution is speaking out of turn or otherwise violating your rights. You can discuss to what extent our criminal defense attorneys in Waverly can speak on your behalf during a criminal case consultation.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
White Law PLLC Has Ample Experience in Criminal Court
Whether you’re facing narcotics charges, drunk driving charges, or accusations of white-collar crime, you can count on White Law PLLC to stand beside you when you go to court. Our Waverly, MI, criminal defense lawyers understand how Michigan addresses its various criminal accusations and how best to defend you against wrongful claims.
Our team boasts a combined 60+ years of legal experience contending with cases from embezzlement to alleged homicides. We were awarded a position with National Trial Lawyers: Top 100 in Michigan and are Clio Product Pro Certified.
You can meet with our team while imprisoned or on your own time to discuss the nature of the criminal charges brought against you. Our team can bring our technological experience to your case and ensure you are treated with respect during your time in court.

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
Let a Criminal Defense Lawyer Spearhead Your Case
Law enforcement can be overzealous in its attempts to protect Waverly from harm. If you find yourself contending with criminal accusations, you can work with our representatives to challenge those charges in court. White Law PLLC can stand with you and help you protect your personal and professional future.
Our criminal defense lawyers in Waverly, MI, meet you where you are after you’ve been accused of criminal misconduct. You can call our team from jail or the comfort of your home to schedule a case consultation. Alternatively, you or a family member can reach out to us through our online contact form to arrange our services.
We’re Experienced. We Care.
We Exceed Client Expectations.