Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Your License Back
November 11, 2016 DUI|Michigan Driver's License|Michigan Laws
Being convicted of multiple moving violations or for driving under the influence (DUI) in Michigan will likely result in the temporary loss of your driver’s license. As important as it may be to do all you can to prevent this...
What to Do When You Are Stopped by the Police
November 11, 2016 Criminal Defense
Being stopped by the police can be an intimidating or frustrating experience. If you are uncertain about your rights or how to properly interact with the officer, a stop could turn into a hostile situation. While being stopped by the...
Concealed Pistol License in Michigan
November 11, 2016 Michigan Laws
The U.S. may soon offer reciprocity among states for concealed carry permits. Find out about the requirements for a Concealed Pistol License in Michigan. Over the course of the presidential election season there were a number of well-spirited debates about...
Minors and Breathalyzers in Michigan
If you are minor, a police officer cannot force you to take a breathalyzer test without a warrant. This may seem hard to believe, but the federal district court for the Eastern District of Michigan made this the rule in...
Minor in Possession in Michigan
October 10, 2016 Criminal Defense
The fall semester is underway and football season is in full swing. MSU students are indulging in beer pong, tailgating and the East Lansing bar scene – whether underage or not. Yet, everyone knows this is a generally accepted part...