Minors and Breathalyzers in Michigan
If you are minor, a police officer cannot force you to take a breathalyzer test without a warrant. This may seem hard to believe, but the federal district court for the Eastern District of Michigan made this the rule in...
Minor in Possession in Michigan
October 10, 2016 Criminal Defense
The fall semester is underway and football season is in full swing. MSU students are indulging in beer pong, tailgating and the East Lansing bar scene – whether underage or not. Yet, everyone knows this is a generally accepted part...
Recent Updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act
October 10, 2016 Employment
Earlier this year, the Department of Labor updated the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), making changes that will have a significant impact on white collar employees and employers. The FLSA requires employers to provide a minimum wage and overtime pay...
The Benefits of an LLC
October 10, 2016 Business Law|LLC
If you are thinking about starting a new business, whether as a full-time job or to make some money on the side, you should consider forming a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). The LLC is a similar to a corporation but...
Mental Health Court
October 10, 2016 Criminal Defense|Mental Health|Michigan Laws
The Ingham County 30th Circuit Court offers Mental Health Court as an alternative to the typical criminal justice system. The goal of Mental Health Court, like other specialty court programs, is to try and address the root cause of a...