Marijuana & DUI
July 07, 2017 DUI
Like most states, Michigan defines drunk driving as any motorist with a BAC of .08 percent or higher. Additionally, Michigan also has laws regarding drivers with certain illegal drugs in their system—including marijuana. If you drive and get arrested for...
Restoring a Driver’s License in Michigan
June 06, 2017 Michigan Driver's License
Getting your license revoked by the state for multiple DUI/OWI convictions can severely interfere with your employment, obligations, and daily life. While Michigan law mandates strict punishments for those who repeatedly operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs...
Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device or BAIID
May 05, 2017 DUI
Drinking and driving is one of the more egregious crimes in our society and because of this, Michigan legislators have become increasingly tougher on those who commit the crime. One of the ways Michigan has cracked down on these offenses...
Importance of Creating a Will
May 05, 2017 Will and Trust
Death and taxes are the only two guarantees in life and while every April we are reminded about taxes, we tend to avoid the thought of death. Because of this avoidance, writing a last will and testament often slips through...
Medical Marijuana Law Update: People v. Manuel
April 04, 2017 Medical Marijuana|News
On April 18, 2017, the Michigan Court of Appeals unanimously issued a published opinion in People v. Manuel that has brought some much-needed clarity to the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (“MMMA”). a White Law PLLC attorney represented Mr. Manuel at...