5 Common Internet Crimes
May 05, 2019 Criminal Defense
From shopping and performing work duties to sharing our lives on social media and keeping up with current events, the internet has become an essential part of our daily lives. However, the world wide web also provides various ways for...
3 Ways to Get Your Driver’s License Taken Away…And How to Get it Back
April 04, 2019 Michigan Driver's License
When applying for a driver's license, you sign various forms in which you agree to certain responsibilities in the state you are licensed to drive in. Driving in the United States is viewed as a privilege rather than a right,...
What Not to Do at a DUI Checkpoint
April 04, 2019 DUI
In many states, the police set up DUI checkpoints designed to check drivers for signs of intoxication. The legality of these checkpoints has been a point of hot debate for several years. For most people, the concern seems to be...
Can I Get Charged with an OWI for Driving While Taking Prescription Medication?
April 04, 2019 OWI
Driving while intoxicated puts the safety and lives of others at risk. Because of this, Michigan takes a strong stance against individuals who drive while their ability is impaired. State laws prohibit not only driving while under the influence of...
How the Changes to Title IX Could Affect You
March 03, 2019 Sexual Abuse
The issue of Title IX laws and the Title IX offices in institutions across the country have been in the spotlight more than usual recently. Starting with the #MeToo and Times Up movements and now even more so since Betsy...