The case has grown so large in scale and seriousness, some liability for the innumerable allegations has expanded to also fall upon MSU. Resources and plaintiff testimonies allege that MSU representatives told women on the gymnastics team to stay quiet about any incidents of harassment involving Nassar. This language was reasonably interpreted by the women to mean that they would be penalized for speaking up, or at the very least, MSU would not help with any investigations against Nassar.
History of Investigations
Recent allegations made against Nassar are not the first. 2014 saw a full Title IX investigation against him after a student claimed he sexually assaulted her in ways similar to those alleged in the ongoing cases. Although the Ingham County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office did not place charges against Nassar, he would be fired later that year for not following the standards implemented as part of the Title IX investigation.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
Additionally, there is also a 2004 report from Meridian Township Police Department that Nassar had been investigated for similar accusations and sexual abuse. No request for charges was ever made against Nassar in this circumstance. However, it could suggest a history of such behavior and might be seen as pertinent evidence in continuing investigations and an eventual criminal trial.
For more information about the ongoing Nassar-MSU sexual abuse case, be sure to visit our news blog regularly. Since we are handling complaints that are part of the federal lawsuit against Nassar, we will pass critical updates along as they come. Do you need our legal representation for your own case against Nassar? Please do not hesitate to speak up by contacting our Lansing campus sexual assault attorneys at once. Call (517) 316-1195.
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