is one of the bills signed by Gov. Rick Snyder and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley
in December.Senate Bills 332 and 333 – sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones (R-Grand
Ledge) – decreases first-time violations of the
minor in possession (MIP) law from a misdemeanor to a state civil infraction that is similar
to a traffic ticket. Driver’s license suspension is still possible
for second or third-time offenders under the new law.What sparked Jones interest in making changes was complaints from parents
who stated that punishments varied based on jurisdiction. Some courts
would offer a deal, such as take an alcohol class and have no criminal
record, while other courts sentenced minors caught with possessing alcohol
to jail and received permanent criminal records.The measures, now called Public Acts 357 and 358 of 2016, will go into
effect on January 1, 2018.
How Our Okemos Lawyer Can Help
If you are facing a second, third, or subsequent MIP offense, you could
be facing a misdemeanor on your criminal record, a fine, probation, and
revocation of your driver’s license. At
White Law PLLC, we can thoroughly investigate your case and analyze all relevant evidence
that is used against you to develop an effective and personalized legal
strategy to get the outcome you desire. Do not hesitate to get experienced
and reliable legal representation on your side.
Contact us and request a free consultation today.
We’re Experienced. We Care.
We Exceed Client Expectations.