When you drive, you put the well-being of yourself, your passengers, and other drivers first. You do not take unnecessary risks, and you keep your attention and focus where it belongs: on the road. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of everyone.
What Is Distracted Driving?
There are people who do not see the danger of distracted driving; they insist on speaking on their cell phone, sending text messages, and engaging in conversation with passengers while operating an automobile. This kind of behavior constitutes distracted driving because it makes the driver less aware of what is going on around them and therefore increases the risk of collision.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
Your Right To Sue
If you have been in an accident and you believe it is the fault of the other driver, then you can sue them for damages. Distracted driving can result in lawsuit liability. Every driver has a duty to obey traffic laws and take reasonable actions to prevent an accident. Distracted driving hinders a person’s ability to meet these standards. The law offers a remedy for such recklessness by allowing the affected person to sue for damages.
The Consequences Of Distracted Driving
One person’s failure to pay attention when on the road can turn your entire life upside down. As a result of an accident, there will be medical expenses. You may even have to go through a prolonged period of rehabilitation and physical therapy. You will lose income from being out of work. And when you are ready to go back to your job, you may be forced to reduce the number of hours you work or to take a lower-paying position. There is also the stress and strain of dealing with a sudden increase in expenses and a decrease in income.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
How A Lawyer Can Help
Your first move after the accident should be to contact a lawyer. Before you file an official claim, you should have in place a legal strategy, or at least the beginnings of one. An Okemos personal injury attorney will be eager to hear your side of the story. The attorney you consult with will have you recall the events that led to the accident and all that happened following it. They will then be able to determine whether you have a case.

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
What Your Lawyer Will Do
If the lawyer decides you have a good case and you decide to proceed with the lawsuit, they will gather all of the documents and police reports of the accidents. Your lawyer will engage professional investigators to review any camera footage of the scene and re-interview eyewitnesses. Your lawyer will subpoena phone records if necessary and depose any passengers that were in the car that hit you.
Your lawyer will employ accident reconstruction specialists who will be able to show how the incident unfolded. They will also introduce your medical records and get experts to make sworn statements concerning the effects of the accident on your health.
Injured Due To Distracted Driving? We Can Help!
If you are convinced that your recent car accident owes to the negligence and inattention of the other driver, an Okemos personal injury attorney from White Law can help you explore your legal options. Call us today for a free consultation.
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