Social Media and Your Sexual Assault Case
December 12, 2018 Sexual Abuse
How Your Social Media May Affect Your Case In the current climate of social media and the news, it is not surprising that social media plays a role in sexual assault cases. Attorneys can build character pictures using social media...
Common Signs of Child Sexual Abuse
November 11, 2018 Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse causes long-term physical and emotional pain. However, recognizing it can be difficult. Unfortunately, children often do not directly talk about sexual abuse. Instead, they show physical, emotional, or behavioral changes caused by the trauma itself. While emotional...
Behaviors to Look Out for When Adults are with Kids
October 10, 2018 Sexual Abuse
“Personal space” is considered an imaginary boundary which each person should respect and helps us avoid things that make us feel uncomfortable. When it comes to child sexual abuse, personal space is of utmost importance. Behaviors by adults that continuously...
College Campus Sexual Assault Statistics
January 01, 2018 Personal Injury|Sexual Abuse
What Age Women Are Usually Sexually Assaulted in College Young adults, especially women ages 18-24, are at a high risk for sexual assault and sexual violence on college campuses. In fact, sex crimes are more pervasive on university grounds compared...
False Allegations of Sexual Abuse
November 11, 2017 Sexual Abuse
A false allegation of sexual abuse can be absolutely devastating. A person accused could have their personal life tarnished, career ruined and family destroyed. Worse yet, if the person is convicted, they can face extreme repercussions such as prison time,...