Minor in Possession Changed in Michigan Law
February 02, 2017 Criminal Defense|Michigan Laws|News
In Michigan, legislation reducing penalties for minors caught with alcohol is one of the bills signed by Gov. Rick Snyder and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley in December.Senate Bills 332 and 333 – sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones (R-Grand Ledge)...
Same Sex Parental Rights
After the United States Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize marriage equality, the LGBTQ community received a wealth of rights it was previously denied. However, questions still remain about the parental rights of unmarried same sex couples who raise children...
Lawyer Alexander S. Rusek Named As Top 5 Under 35 by the Ingham County Bar Association.
March 03, 2016 News
Pictured: Hon. Joyce Draganchuk, Alexander Rusek, Hon. Amy Krause
White Law PLLC Lawyer Win Motion for Immunity under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act
January 01, 2016 News
White Law PLLC attorneys successfully argued for their client to receive immunity from prosecution under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act in the 30th Circuit Court. Their client was charged with four felony counts stemming from a police search and seizure...