Five Illegal Questions for an Employer to Ask in a Job Interview
June 06, 2018 Employment
Interviewing for a new job can be somewhat intimidating. While most potential employers will ask some pretty standard questions about your work history, your skills, and what you’re looking for in an employment position, they may also ask some questions...
Filing Whistleblower Claims
March 03, 2018 Employment
A “whistleblower” is an employee who reports illegal or unethical activity of their employer to the proper authorities. However, since employers may face monetary penalties, sanctions, and costly remediation costs associated with correcting the violation, reporting employees may be victims...
At Will: Can You Be Fired at Any Time or for Any Reason?
January 01, 2017 Employment
In most cases, “at will” employment means that your job can end for no reason or for any reason. An employer violates the at will principle when it fires an employee for exercising a right guaranteed by law, executing a...
Recent Updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act
October 10, 2016 Employment
Earlier this year, the Department of Labor updated the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), making changes that will have a significant impact on white collar employees and employers. The FLSA requires employers to provide a minimum wage and overtime pay...