Scope of Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
April 04, 2023 Clergy Sexual Abuse
The sexual abuse scandal within the Catholic Church has been an ongoing problem that changed many lives. Its scope and impact have been the subject of intense scrutiny and debate. Recent data gathered between July 1, 2019 - June 30,...
Bishop From Archdiocese Of Detroit Accused Of Child Abuse
September 09, 2022 Clergy Sexual Abuse
A former parishioner from Massachusetts has leveled accusations against a current member of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Keep reading to learn more. John Doe No. 12 The plaintiff in the case, John Doe No. 12, alleges that as a 12...
Clergy Abuse Survivors and the Road to Recovery
August 08, 2021 Clergy Sexual Abuse|News|Sexual Abuse
Horrifying accounts of clergy sex abuse have been in the headlines for years now, but who are the victims, and how do they cope? Springfield, Illinois The most recent epicenter for abuse cases is Illinois. According to a report, there...
Ex-Cardinal Charged with Sexual Assault
July 07, 2021 Clergy Sexual Abuse|Sexual Abuse
Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy during a wedding reception. Here’s what you should know. The Case Against McCarrick According to the case, McCarrick allegedly assaulted a young teenager during his brother’s wedding...