Unexpected criminal charges are like a shock to your system. These charges threaten to upend your entire life if they go unchallenged. Unfortunately, parties with malicious intent or who misunderstand your circumstances may attempt to level these charges against you.
Contrary to what popular media would have you believe, it is always in your best interest to contact the attorney when faced with criminal charges. If you’ve recently been accused of violating laws in Michigan, you can reach out to White Law, PLLC, to discuss your next moves. Our criminal defense attorneys in Haslett, MI, can defend you from malicious charges.
White Law, PLLC, Stands Up for You on a Variety of Cases
The term “criminal charges” covers a broad spectrum of accusations that another party can level against you. Each of these charges requires a unique approach, both due to the individualized nature of your case and the complexities of Michigan law addressing each crime. Fortunately, White Law, PLLC, has experience contending with cases addressing:
- Drunk driving
- Narcotic offenses
- White collar crime
- Homicide
You can discuss the nature of the charges brought against you during an initial consultation with our team. We can meet you in a Haslett jail or on your own terms to elaborate on the prosecution’s accusations and your workable defenses.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
What to Expect from Criminal Charges
The consequences for an unchallenged criminal charge vary depending on several unique factors. These can include any pre-existing charges on your record as well as the severity of the crime which it is alleged that you committed.
Criminal defense lawyers in Haslett, MI, can work out the details of your case to better help you understand how to address the charges brought against you.
Drunk Driving in Michigan
According to Michigan law, no driver is permitted on the road with a blood alcohol level (BAC) above 0.08%. Drivers under the age of 21 can face legal consequences for driving under the influence if their BAC is higher than 0.02%. The fines for a first-time offense can include:
- 93 days in jail
- 360 hours of community service
- Up to $500 in fines
- 6 points on your driver’s license
Michigan further states that if your BAC was allegedly above 0.17%, your possible jail time can double. Your fines may also increase to $700.
You can challenge drunk driving accusations by questioning the validity of the tests used to establish your BAC. Our team can also question what motives a police officer had when pulling you over, challenging their right to act on probable cause.
Narcotic Offenses
Michigan Public Health Code §333.7403 states that anyone intentionally in possession or under the influence of a controlled substance without a prescription may face consequences for the alleged use, sale, transportation, and/or production of said substance. The consequences for these narcotic offenses vary depending on the nature of the substance.
For example, interaction with narcotics on Schedules I and/or II can see you face a minimum of 20 years imprisonment. Fines for possession, use, disruption, or manufacturing of these substances can also result in fines starting at $25,000.
That said, Michigan courts are particularly hard on parties facing narcotics charges. Judges may impose their own consequences on an unchallenged case, provided that they use the aforementioned consequences as guidelines.
White Collar Crime
White-collar crime charges can see you face legal consequences for alleged:
- Fraud
- Tax evasion
- Embezzlement
- Bribery
- Contract violations
The consequences that come along with these charges will again vary on your existing criminal history and the severity of your alleged misconduct. You can discuss the nature of your case and how to reduce (or eliminate) the charges brought against you during a consultation with our Haslett criminal defense attorneys.
Like white-collar crime, there are several degrees of homicide with which you may be charged in Michigan. This range includes:
- First-degree murder with proof of premeditation
- Murder of a peace officer
- Felony first-degree murder
- Second-degree murder
- Manslaughter
- Death resulting from the delivery of a controlled substance
The consequences for these charges grow more severe when they allegedly involve controlled substances, vehicles, or an escalation of violence against one or more protected parties.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
When to Call a Criminal Defense Attorney
Popular media would have you believe that only guilty parties call on an attorney before speaking with law enforcement representatives. This is not the case. You should call on an attorney as soon as you learn that you’re being charged with a criminal offense.
Invoke your Miranda rights and remain silent until you have an attorney on the scene. That said, be prepared to cooperate with law enforcement so as not to compound the charges brought against you. Once our attorneys arrive, we can ensure that you’re being treated fairly and that you have the opportunity to pursue bail.
From there, we can begin working on your defense. Once our criminal defense attorneys in Haslett better understand your case, you can count on us to challenge the prosecution’s burden of proof and demand that your charges be reduced or dropped.
The Benefits of Working with White Law, PLLC
When you work with our team, you benefit from over 60 years of combined legal experience addressing cases like yours. We offer free case consultations to parties facing criminal charges so that you can ensure our services will best suit your needs.
It’s our responsibility to ensure that police officers don’t misrepresent your testimony and that you’re given a fair shake when your case goes to trial. You can count on our team to guide you through the legal process and to offer you the opportunity to appeal should a case not go your way.
You can learn more about the expert services White Law, PLLC, offers clients facing criminal charges during your initial meeting with Haslett, MI, criminal defense lawyers.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
Schedule a Consultation with Our Team Today
If you’ve had criminal charges brought against you, don’t panic. You are innocent until a court proves you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In the face of these charges, contact the criminal defense team that will support you through your upcoming hearings. White Law, PLLC, can stand with you as you fight to reduce or waive the charges brought against you.
Our criminal defense lawyers in Haslett, MI, can meet with you in jail or On your own terms to discuss your case. Get in touch with our team by calling our main office or reaching out to us through our online contact form. The sooner we are on the scene, the more we can protect you from someone else’s malicious intentions.
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